
is now available on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox

How to Use Teleparty to Watch Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Together with Friends

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Recall the bygone era of hosting movie nights and shared watch parties, reveling in the joy of favorite shows with friends at home. Those moments of communal entertainment are etched in memory, but technology ensures you don't have to bid them farewell. Enter Teleparty, formerly Netflix Party, is a versatile Chrome extension designed for synchronized viewing across various streaming services. Originally exclusive to Netflix, Tele Party has expanded its reach to include Disney Plus, Hulu, and HBO Max. While it's a Chrome extension, its adaptability extends to browsers like Microsoft Edge, rekindling the joy of shared viewing experiences with friends, even in this digital age.

How to Install Teleparty?

1. Access the Chrome Web Store: Head over to the Chrome Web Store, where you can either perform a search for Tele Party or utilize the provided button to navigate to the app's store page directly.

2. Explore the 'Netflix Party is now Tele Party' Page: Upon reaching the store page titled 'Netflix Party is now Tele Party,' familiarize yourself with the content and features. This is the pivotal point where you'll decide to integrate the Teleparty extension.

3. Click 'Add to Chrome': Positioned on the right side of the page, locate and click the 'Add to Chrome' button. This action signals the initiation of the process to integrate Tele Party into your browser.

4. Confirm Extension Addition: Following the click, expect a confirmation dialog to appear on your screen. Select the 'Add extension' button within the dialog, confirming your intent to add Tele Party to your browser.

5. Extension Icon Placement: The Teleparty extension icon will appear on your address bar or within the Teleparty extension menu after confirmation. Choose to enhance accessibility by pinning the Teleparty Chrome extension to your address bar. The 'Teleparty Extension' icon (shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece) is located on the address bar. Click the 'Pin' icon next to 'Netflix Party is now Tele Party.' This ensures convenient access for future use.

How to Use Teleparty?

If you don’t know “How to use Teleparty”, then utilizing it is a breeze, offering remarkable simplicity in operation. Whether you're initiating your own watch party or joining an existing one, Tele Party ensures a seamless experience where you and others can synchronize your video playback effortlessly.

Creating a Watch Party on Teleparty:

1. Launching the Watch Party: Open a compatible streaming website and play the desired video.

2. Controlling Video Playback: Decide on video control permissions before starting the watch party, choosing between shared or exclusive control.

3. Initiating the Watch Party: Click the 'Start the Party' button to begin the creation process.

4. Sharing the Party URL: Copy the generated URL upon successful creation and share it with friends to enable synchronized viewing.

5. Real-time Discussions: Engage in real-time discussions with friends through the chat panel on the right side of the screen, receiving updates on participant actions.

6. Managing Chat Display: Toggle the display of the chat panel, which is set to default visibility. Access the Teleparty extension icon to hide it by unselecting 'Show chat.'

7. Streamlined User Experience: Experience streamlined usage with Tele Party, eliminating the need for account creation or external logins.

8. Personalizing Identity: Personalize your identity by entering a chosen name or nickname after the watch party has commenced.

9. Customizing Your Nickname: Access the Chat Panel, click on the Profile icon, and change your nickname by entering the desired name and confirming the changes.

10. Concluding the Watch Party: When ready to conclude the watch party session, navigate to the Teleparty Chrome extension icon and select the 'Disconnect' option from the menu.

Joining a Teleparty:

1. Accessing an Invited Watch Party: Install the Teleparty extension on your browser. Next, click on the invitation link for the watch party you've been invited to.

2. Redirecting to Supported Streaming Site: Following the link, you'll be redirected to the compatible streaming website associated with the watch party. Ensure to login into your streaming service account to access the video content. If you did not log in, do so and refresh the link.

3. Joining the Watch Party: The video should load automatically once on the streaming site. If not, manually select the desired video. Click on the 'NP' extension icon in the toolbar to connect and synchronize with the watch party. This action enables you to watch the video in sync with others.

4. Exclusive Control Settings: If the watch party was created with exclusive control by the Teleparty creator, you'll have limited functionalities. Only the creator can control playback, restricting your ability to pause, play, or seek within the video.


Tele Party provides an excellent avenue for enjoying movies or shows with friends from the comfort of your home. With the capability to host up to 50 individuals in a single session, the service is effective and free of charge. The synchronization of videos is notably seamless, setting it apart from numerous other extensions. While it lacks support for video calling during streaming, if this doesn't pose a concern for you, Tele Party stands out as the ideal Teleparty Chrome extension for an immersive shared viewing experience.

Tags: - Teleparty, Teleparty Extension, Teleparty Chrome Extension, How to use Teleparty, Install Teleparty,